
Micro-Sheds and WAter Retention

Water Retention Tactics and Mitigating the Sewer Shed

Research Collaboration

Parsons The New School • Research Mentor: Martina Kohler • Spring 2019, Spring 2020

In the age of climate change the management of urban storm water takes on significant importance particularly given what is often aging urban infrastructure designed to manage different volumes and intensities of water. NYC is a prime example of a city whose infrastructure system is no longer able to meet current and future demand. NYC’s storm water system has been the subject of significant DEP research initiatives over the course of the last decade.

This research review and build on the DEP work exploring scalable and affordable interventions into the storm water management system of NYC in order to contribute additional resilience and public well-being for communities across the city. It is, more specifically, the intent of this work to explore storm water micro sheds – small definable areas of intervention that can have a cumulative impact on the larger storm water city system. By inverting the scale and approach from the municipal large scale to the micro shed – patch scale this research seeks to create a catalog of catalytic actions that function as plug-ins improving overall system resilience.

Tactics for a new urban biome


For More Information and Research Illustrations

Contact Martina Kohler & Tommy Yang